What is the phone number for University of Iowa Hospital patient information?

Greetings, pals! I’m going to provide you the University of Iowa Hospital’s phone numbers today. In the USA, this is a big hospital. Many Indians travel there for medical care. Knowing their phone numbers is therefore beneficial. Let’s get going!

Main Phone Numbers

University of Iowa Health Access:

1-800-777-8442 (toll-free)

General Information and Patients


Emergency Services:


Iowa Statewide Poison Center:

1-800-222-1222 (toll-free)

Full Source

Other Important Numbers

UI Stead Family Children’s Hospital:

1-888-573-KIDS (toll-free)

Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center:


UI Heart and Vascular Center:




Hospital Dentistry:


Full Source

How Can I Get in Touch?

You can give the hospital a call at the numbers above if you would like to speak with them. You can visit their website as well if you have internet access. They can be reached at uihc.org. You can request an appointment and obtain additional information there.

Source: UI Hospitals & Clinics

Other Information

The hospital is in a place called Iowa City in the USA. If you are going there, the address is:

200 Hawkins Drive
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States

Source: UI Hospitals & Clinics

In summary

mates, I hope you find this material useful. It is helpful to have these phone numbers if you or someone you know is visiting this hospital. Always exercise caution and stay safe.

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