Park Nicollet Phone Number

A well known healthcare organization with a huge national footprint is Park Nicollet. It’s important to know how to get in touch with them, whether you’re a patient looking for medical attention or someone with general questions. We’ll give you a thorough rundown of Park Nicollet’s phone numbers and contact information in this post.

Main Contact Numbers

  • HealthPartners Main Line: 952-883-6000
  • Park Nicollet Main Line: 800-862-7412

The main phone lines to call with general questions are these. These are the numbers to call if you have any general inquiries or issues concerning insurance benefits, care obtained at one of their clinics or hospitals, or anything else.

HealthPartners Contact Page

Member Services

The Member Services section is available to help with particular inquiries regarding HealthPartners, your medical treatment, pregnancy, or locating a mental health practitioner. Although the source doesn’t provide the precise number, it is advised to get assistance by calling the HealthPartners main line.

Park Nicollet Specialty Center

Clinic and Hospital Locations

Park Nicollet is home to numerous hospitals, specialist centers, and clinics. It’s better to check out the official website or call the number listed above if you’re trying to get in contact with a certain place.

US News Health Park Nicollet Methodist Hospital

Additional Resources

Equity & Inclusion
Awards & Recognition
Clinics & Hospitals Directory

In summary

Park Nicollet is dedicated to giving its patients the best possible medical care. They guarantee that each patient and guest receives the help they require by providing a range of contact options. Park Nicollet is the place to go if you need help with media relations, general questions, or medical advice.

HealthPartners & Park Nicollet Appointment Page

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